General Questions

Hollow metal frames are often manufactured with or without the proper hole functions for hardware applications. They may also be damaged while in shipment or trade damage may occur once frames have been set in place. Below are a few questions that answer a general contractors and owners concerns.

Can a Fire Door Be Field Modified?

NFPA 80 States In cases where field modifications to a fire door assembly is desired the laboratory whose label on the assembly shall be contacted…….if the modification does not compromise the integrity and fire resistance…..the modifications shall be permitted.

Can a H/M Door Be Undercut?

Floor conditions may change, ie: carpet or threshold added. Or doors do not clear floor sweep area. Although the bottom may be cut it is important to re-weld the bottom channel back as required. This requires spot welds every 2-3 inches on both sides of door.

Is Adding Hardware Preps ok?

Hinges or strike preps can be added either in the head or jamb leg as required however the task is very tedious and tolerance’s demanding. Factory hinges and strike boxes must be used to insure that the frame performs as intended with the appropiate new hardware. AHJ’s and IOR’s may require Proper documentation including a written field “Procedure Report”.

Can I add a window or louver?

The adding of a window or louver is possible, provided the cut out is reinforced with channel material welded on all four sides to insure the doors integrity. The process must be precise and installed an the new frame securely attached. Poor cutting may expose the doors interior to water and moisture as well as weaken the door.